Announcement of Mineitor's three features

1. Blink feature

Finding the devices in the big farms with a high number of miners is incredibly hard work.  

Mineitor’s Blink feature helps users in quickly find the miner's location.

On the devices page, you can select your desired device and click on the Blink button, the LED light of the miners will turn on, and operators could find them easily.

This feature will make it easier to discover miners and manage them quickly, resulting in less time wasted and greater profits.

Consider that, this feature is only available on devices that support the LED blink from their panel.

2. Change the password of miners Individually or in groups

It is frequently helpful to adjust numerous settings for multiple miners at once while managing multiple miners. We have implemented a new feature to the Mineitor software that allows miners to change their passwords. (It is currently in beta state and it will be released soon. As a result, this feature is currently only accessible for Antminer devices.)

You can change the password of miners Individually or in groups from the device page.

blink feature of mineitor 

3. Auto-discover miners

Mineitor enables an auto-discovery feature. This feature will automatically discover any new miner that connects to the network and also IP address changes.

In some circumstances, where the number of new devices is low, there is no need to auto-discover every 2 minutes (Default). At any time, you can disable the auto-discovery button and perform a manual scan from the farm' page.

This will Helps to reduce local network bandwidth usage and also lower latency with busy networks.

Auto-discover miners

Mehri Yamini
July 2022